Category: Community

Ox Industries Flagship Tube and Core Operation in Hanover, PA

My Safety Tip – Lorie Bierwirth

Safety begins with each individual. From day one, we teach the value and importance of consistent safety practices and continually seek new ways to raise awareness. We’re proud of our…

Ox Industries Flagship Tube and Core Operation in Hanover, PA

My Safety Tip – Mike Weiler

Safety begins with each individual. From day one, we teach the value and importance of consistent safety practices and continually seek new ways to raise awareness. We’re proud of our…

Ox Industries Flagship Tube and Core Operation in Hanover, PA

Ox Supplies Tubes for Rocket Airframes

Congratulations to the blueshift Aerospace Team for a successful launch testing their new Rocket Motor in January. The Stardust became the first commercial launch of a Rocket powered by Bio-derived…
