Holiday Recycling at Ox Industries in Hanover, PA
PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release December 17, 2018 HANOVER, PA – Ox Industries Paper Tube & Core would like to remind our community to recycle their Holiday waste this season….
PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release December 17, 2018 HANOVER, PA – Ox Industries Paper Tube & Core would like to remind our community to recycle their Holiday waste this season….
PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release December 17, 2018 HALLTOWN, WV – Ox Industries Halltown Paperboard Mill would like to remind our community to recycle their holiday waste this season. Unfortunately,…
Watch OX TVÂ for some inspirational Earth Day video selections: History Channels Operation Build: Earth Day Special featuring OX eco-friendly building products Behind the Scenes at Operation Build’s video shoot Green…
History Channels Operation Build Earth Day Special featured OXs eco-friendly building products. More
Watch this sneak peek video Tune into History Channel Saturday 4/4 at 7:30 a.m.
OX Industries will appear on Operation Builds Green Earth Day Special Saturday, April 4, 2015, at 7:30 a.m. ET/PT on the History Channel and again Saturday, April 11, at 7:30…
Operation Build will showcase eco-friendly building products. OX Industries is a perfect start building a green home, said Lysa Leimer, executive producer of Operation Build. Click here for more on the Earth…